Monday, December 14, 2009


It’s 12:30am. I’m up studying for a dooming final I have in the morning. As frustrated and tired as I am that this information isn’t sticking to my brain like it should, all I can think about it writing this blog. I’ve never wanted anything more and I am scared to death I am going to mess up or not do well enough and fail. Epically fail. It’s a realistic thought and it scares me to my very core. If you were to ask me how I really felt I might tell you I was nervous or scared but I don’t think I can get across how truly terrified I am that my dream will shatter. I feel like I have worked hard. So hard. I feel like I deserve it. I may not be the smartest but I have the passion. The drive. The dream. It’s what was meant for me and I don’t want anyone to take that away from me. The worst part, there is nothing more I can really do. Ok, now that that is off my chest, I need to finish studying for my microbiology final. Peace

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