Monday, April 25, 2011

More than a Bunny...

The thought of Easter overwhelms me. Not the events of the day, but the meaning. As of right now Easter is pretty low key. I have no children to play Easter Bunny to and I don’t prepare the big family dinner. The meaning of Easter though, it is so significant to who and what I believe. Without this day, there would be no reason for me to believe.
I was redeemed. There was a price that had to be paid for me, for everyone. The inherent evil inside us had to be paid. The cost was high. It cost life. He knew every awful and grotesque thing I would ever do, and being fully aware, He CHOSE to die in my place. That humbles me. He sees my past and future and has paid the price regardless of what I did and will do. One of my favorite hymns reads “sin had left a crimson stain; He washed it white as snow”. He paid my price and erased everything. He was humiliated, nailed to a cross, and killed. I am alive because He chose death. His wounds paid my ransom.
Not only did He die, but he rose from the dead. He didn’t stay dead in a tomb waiting for people to come to worship his grave, no, he conquered death. My mind is blown whenever I think about it. That makes Him different than any other god people serve. I serve a God who is alive and living. The God I serve crushed sin and defied death.
My prayer is that I will never stop getting overwhelmed and humbled when I think about Easter and what it means. I pray that never become numb to these things.

“The Pharisees couldn’t stand Him, but they found out they couldn’t stop Him. Pilate couldn’t find any fault in Him. Herod couldn’t kill Him. Death couldn’t handle Him, and the grave couldn’t hold Him. Yeah! That’s my King”

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Just Be Mad

I dislike disappointing people. In fact, I loathe it. After I would get in trouble or just do something without thinking when I was little I would ask my mom, “Are you mad at me?” to which she would almost always reply “No”. Then I would proceed with “Ok, well are you disappointed?” You see, in my mind disappointing someone is even worse than having them mad at you. If someone is mad, there is a cause, I did something stupid and need to apologize, fix my actions, and then things generally get better. The anger turns into love, and all seems well again within a period of time (generally speaking). With disappointing someone, I feel that I have genuinely let them down. Naturally there is a cause, but the love part takes a bit longer to achieve. I can try and fix it, but I fear that I have lost a certain amount of respect from that person. When my mom would answer “yes Kelli, but I’m not mad” I would always be heavy hearted and explain that it was worse and I how wished she would just be mad. I fear when I disappoint, I lose credibility and parts of who I am. They know you are better than that. They know your character and that you simply didn’t live up to it.