Monday, August 23, 2010

Natural Response.

The term "fight or flight" comes from our reaction to our sympathetic nervous system. Without getting all crazy science girl on you, this is how our body runs or fights from any kind of harmful attack.

Outside the medical world, it's how you react to life. I've always been a fighter. I will fight for what I want until the bitter end. Even if I'm losing, it's hurting, or there's no hope, I will fight. I do this because I believe in the cause. I do not quit. With that said, this time around, I wanna take the "flight" option. I still in no way will give up. However, it may be time to just take a different route. For the first time, I think the one I'm on isn't worth it. I'm tired of fighting for something I'm unsure and not confident in. I can't go into battle thinking it's not worth fighting for.

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