Thursday, October 11, 2007

Blank Paper

Finding a topic to write on seems to be challenging for me when given limitations. I am perfectly fine when I get to pick a general topic or the kind of essay. This time it is an argumentative essay that I struggle to come up with I topic on. What point can I argue and show good support for? Sitting in English, my mind was at total blank. I felt totally behind because everyone had their topics, had done outlines, and a rough draft (things I missed on Tuesday, due to having the flu). While people were peer editing I sat and stared at my blank piece of binder paper. “Think about the passion you have for your topic when writing,” my English teacher called out. What am I passionate about? I seem to just not care. I may have an opinion about something but not a strong one; not passion. My final draft is due on Monday and I cannot come up with a topic on our first big assignment…fantastic.


Anonymous said...

I'm trying to think of topics that get you all riled up. What about the evils of high school? I think you should write about how towards the end, you're really just being babysat.

Kelli said...

Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for your help with my dilemma! I took your advice and wrote about the evils and distractions of high school.

Kimberly said...

how'd it turn out? good talking to you today.

Kelli said...

I think it turned out ok, not my best essay though. I'll let you know for sure when i get the grade. I loved talking to you!!!

Kelli said...

I got an A. My teacher did pull me aside to tell me that I wrote an excellent essay and she really likes me work :)